Sunday, July 22, 2012

7 fotos

There we were, laying in bed miles and weeks away from Sichuan, scrolling through pictures of Anna on Eric's phone. Yes, she was asleep in the next room  and  yes, we'd already spent the whole day with her. But sometimes we still like to look at these little captured slices and smile. And then we came across these leftovers.

Here, you can have a look.

This first one is the box that Luke's Chinese phone came in. After an afternoon searching through shop after shop for a cheap cell phone option--which we had just learned we'd need if we wanted internet the month in the dorms-- we came across this lovely choice in a white-tiled room. It's large buttons and obviously non-smart-phone-ness called out to us, and even after the saleswoman repeatedly tried to convince us we really didn't want to buy this phone, claiming it was a specially designed phone for the elderly, we, well, bought it. Obviously.

Then bought some cherries from a wooden cart, sat down in front of the administrative building on campus,  removed the phone from it's fancy red bag, and started pushing  those geriatric friendly buttons.

Bundles of power lines on the pedestrian overpass. Safe? Perhaps. Oh, China.

But let us say here we are beyond excited for the footage about to be shared with the world from this adventure. This little snapshot was from an afternoon early on in the road trip where we all wide-eyed at the view asked the driver to pull over.  We just so happened to have stopped off at a mini green heaven, complete with famers silhouetted in their paddies, women carrying massive baskets on their backs full of grain and children, and water buffalos hiding in sheds. The rural accent made it difficult for us to understand their Mandarin, but they didn't seem to mind and we listened to long paragraphs on the dirt road. 

First short film due out in late August.

Tibetan BBQ. We still do not know how this man touched, nay, gripped securely and pulled open, these grates over the open flame. A memorable dinner and a delightful family.

The somehow simultaneously charming and formidable Tibetan building style.

And that was it.  

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